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Studies with Open Enrollment
KEYS Study
Please follow the link below if you are interested:
Accute Care Occupational Therapy and Fitness to Drive Study
Please follow the link below if you are interested:
#HighAlert Cannabis & Driving Study
#DontDriveHigh Cannabis & Driving Online Survey
Studies Now Completed Enrollment
Advanced Driving Assistance Systems and Parkinson's Disease
Looking for Canadians living with Parkinson's disease! You are being invited to participate in an anonymous online survey (approx. 15 min) on your perception and attitudes towards using advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) when you drive. You do not need prior driving experience driving a vehicle with ADAS features to participate. There is an opportunity to be included in a gift card draw.
Principal Investigator: Liliana Alvarez, PhD, Western University
Enrolment has completed for the study.